Real adventures in the Parque Internacional La Amistad and the Bosque Protector de Palo Seco.
For many years we, the NASO TJER DI people, have care the nature of this very rich region, the one where there are two very important protected areas of Panama: La Amistad International Park (declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO) and the Palo Seco Protector Forest.
Now you can share with us our traditions and ways of life and participate in many different tours and activities that will allow you not only to appreciate our culture, but also to observe our rich ecosystems, with its abundant wildlife, penetrating deep into the forest and mountain rain forests, with the company of our experienced guides.
We are located in the community of Bonyik, on the banks of the legendary Teribe River, pillar of our community and base of the life of our originary people.
Do not miss these adventures, will be unforgettable.
We have three houses to accommodate tourists, all located in the village of Bonyik. Also are available accommodation in family homes in the community. The Bonyik community has school, health center and sports field.
Our food is completely organic and in their production are not used chemicals. The menu is based on traditional meals.
To know the cost of tours, lodging and meals, please contact us.
White House
The houses has a bathroom and a dining room that visitors can use as well as a work place or meeting area.
Blue House
The second house, known as the "Blue House", is similar but instead of the room has a large open balcony.
Ranch House
It is located at the beginning of the forest and is ideal for those seeking tranquility and contact with nature.
The options for excursions are numerous, but these are some of the best:
Half Moon Trail
4 hours trip $ 25.00 per person.
La Amistad Trail
Up to 12 hours trip $ 30.00 per person.
Barro Negro Trail
Up to 6 hours of trip $ 30.00 per person.
Boat Trip 1
Between Bonyik and El Silencio and return, $ 70.00 (up to 3 people).
Boat trip 2
Boat trip between Bonyik and Sieyik (home of the King) and return $ 70.00 (up to 3 people).
For scientific studies, long stays and groups, please contact us for special prices.
Entrance to La Amistad International Park, ask.
Our lifestyle is your attraction: our meals, our handicrafts, our navigation.
Appreciate our ancient culture that has been here for hundreds of years.
Teribe River
There are one river and one creek near the community: Teribe River (big) and Bonyik Creek, both rich in fish and shrimp, are good for fishing and in the backwaters, to cool off in its clear waters and even to wash our clothes.
Traditional Medicine
Have a talk with an expert in traditional medicine in its own botanical garden.
Delight yourself with our ancestral dances and music, as well as our wood handicrafts.
Visit our communities, there are 11 in total, along the Teribe river, especially Sieyik where is the home of our King Ardinteo. Indeed, the Naso Tjer Di originary people are the only americans that are ruled by a king.
Raft navigation
Try to navigate down the Teribe river, using one of our traditional bamboo rafts, with a safe quide.
To see our gallery of photos about us, our activities and our tours, PRESS HERE.
Whether coming from any part of Panama or the border with Costa Rica, the first step is to reach Changuinola, more exactly the bus terminaL.
There you must take a bus or a taxi to the village of El Silencio, about 15 minutes away.
Arriving there, you have two alternatives: navigating on the Teribe river, with a boat of the project that picks you up at El Silencio, or take a taxi to Bonyik, about 15 minutes more, and you will be in the community. There should ask for MAYRA RODRIGUEZ or RAUL QUINTERO. It is important to have made reservations.